Run Your Team on the Right Fuel

Nutrition and diet is an area you can improve on and as parents and coaches we are in a strong position to influence players to become healthier. In simple terms, what we eat and drink provides the fuel for us to train, play and recover from training. What we need to know is what is the best fuel?

Carbo education for the benefit of the players
Carbohydrates are recognised to have the most immediate affect on the players’ performance, so educate your team to eat better to operate better. An appreciation of the benefits will help them choose better options.

Low fat carbs for low fat players
Despite the horrors outlined by some trendy diets, there are many staple foods which provide excellent sources of carbohydrates e.g. potatoes and pasta. The key though, is to avoid high carb foods with high fat content. This will mean that high consumption will also lead to weight gain. For example, crisps and pizza are two hazards to be avoided.

What’s good to eat?
Some good, low fat, high carb foods are: rice, popcorn, breakfast cereals, fruit, toast and honey, potatoes, pasta. Some treats as well: sweets e.g. fruit gums, chocolate and even Coca Cola (though this drink is not a substitute for water). Baked potatoes and sandwiches are good “whole” meals, with fillings which avoid too much fat making an even healthier option. So cut down on the butter, cheese and mayonnaise and use baked beans, lean meats and low fat cheeses.

Keep the balance
A diet cannot consist of carbohydrates alone, but also requires protein, fat and water.

From: 10 Proven Tips For A More Successful Soccer Season (Better Soccer Coaching)